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Leonard Kleinrock was born on June 13, 1934 in New York City. He have many interest in the world of technology. His interesting brought him login to one of the schools that focus in the world of technology, Bronx High School of Science, 1951.

At the school, he hone his talent on the world of technology. He often conduct experiments on computer networks in his school only for hone his talent.

After he completed his study in Bronx High School of Science, he continued his study in City College of New York, he majored in Electrical Engineering And Computer Science. He received a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science degree in 1957 from the City College of New York, and a master’s degree and a doctorate (Ph. D) in Electrical Engineering And Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute Of Technology in 1959 and 1963 respectively. Then he joined with the Faculty at The University Of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), during 1991-1995 he served as the chairman of the computer science department there.
Leonard Kleinrock have started to find and develop internet since he was in college. Precisely when he is undergoing a master program. He wrote in a paper on the science of computer networks that ultimately the paper became the basic concept of the internet.
In the paper he elaborated on the possibility of the exchange of data between one  device computer to another through a large network that is global. At that time he still had not found the technique, but when he went to UCLA before he managed to find a technical solution digital data packets that can be transmitted through a computer network.

ARPANET is a computer networks that made by Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) from the US Defense Depatrment in 1969, with functioned as a means of computer network technology experiments.

ARPANET first message sent by UCLA student programmer, Charley Kline, on October 29, 1969. He was mentored by Leonard Kleinrock did the first transmission using network technology called the internet. 

At the time, they are doing a transmission from UCLA a Stanford Research Institute which is also a development of ARPANET program. At first he planned to sent a transmission of a word, the “LOGIN”, but the connection was lost before the letter “G”, so only two letters were sent, the “LO”, which appears on the screen in Standord Research Institute, with a distance of 314 miles.

Atlhough the first trial was unsuccessful, Leonard Kleinrock happy because he has managed to do long distance transmssion via computer network  was first in the world. Since after the first trial, the development of ARPANET increasingly optimized even get a tremendous response from the government through a program, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). In 1988, Leonard Kleinrock Chaired the Natioanl Research network groups for the US Congress.

Leonard Kleinrock managed to gain some appreciation of her dedication to the world of internet. On September 29, 2008, he received the National award of Science, a nation’s scientific honor of President George W. Bush at the White House and was also awarded the 2007 National Medal of Science on mathematical theory of modern data networks, and the functional specification of packet switching.


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