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Tugas ESP 3

My Friends Weekend Activities

My Friends, Risa, always has a family time in Friday night. She enjoys it by going to the theatre, hanging out or even just staying home without holding their mobile phone. 

In Saturday morning, She always accompany me to jogging with my nephew. We usually jogging from Cibadak to Cikidang. After that, She go home and take a rest. She always watch her favourite cartoon, Doraemon, till the time to prepare lunch, around 11 o'clock. 

At lunchtime on Saturday, She always has a family time to lunch together and sharing about their weekend activity. At two o'clock She has siesta till three o'clock. 

In Saturday afternoon, She take a bath and perform ashar prayers. Then She do her homework while teach tutoring her sisters. She says that "she very enjoys to study with children, that's can make her good mood".
In Saturday evening, after teach tutoring her sisters, She continued to teach tutoring children around her house. After that, She has dinner and take a bed.

In Sunday morning, same with Saturday morning, She accompany me to jogging with my nephew. But after jogging, She has wash her clothes. Then, She has help her mother to clean up her bed.

At lunchtime on Sunday, after lunch She has hanging out with her family, playing music together with  her sisters or just checking her social media account.

In Sunday afternoon, after perform ashar prayers, she has play badminton with me. Ya, we always playing badminton in sunday afternoon. At five o'clock we go home. She directly take a bath while her mother prepares dinner. She enjoys her dinner around seven o'clock. She always read a book or watch TV after dinner. After those all activites, She ready to go to bed.


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